Doing a Fanfic
Friday, February 1010:24 PM
Assalamualaikum gorgeous ! We'r doing a fanfic called Mr and Mrs Whatever .Untuk fanfic ni aku akan disable CTRL+U sbb aku and Bella tanak org 'culik' cerita ni . I'll put my tutorial on my other blog . I'll give the link later . I'll update the fanfic tomorrow or Sunday . Bunch of things going on , with school , this and that . JUST WAIT ! Bella Jung
# BELAGAK Mat Salleh x))
STUPID blog , something went wrong with the link . K , here .. take it > Bella
# BELAGAK Mat Salleh x))
STUPID blog , something went wrong with the link . K , here .. take it > Bella
Labels: coming soon, fanfic, wait